Despite these annoyances, the anthropologists grew to love noomba and took a great deal home with them. It was an immediate hit with their university colleagues. At a cocktail party some medical researchers asked if they could study the herb. The anthropologists readily agreed.
It didn't take long for the researchers to report disturbing findings:
- Noomba was classically addictive. Over time, users developed a tolerance; that is, they required more and more noomba to obtain the same increase in alterness and productivity. The headache the anthropologists had reported was actually just one symptom of physical withdrawal from the addiction. Other withdrawal symtoms included constipation, sleepiness, and a craving for other stimulants.
- Noomba's stimulating effect caused not only insomnia but also anxeity, irritability, anemia, diarrhea, heartburn, stomach upset, muscle tension, and, in a few cases, outburts of uncontrolled rage.
- Even more disturbing, a five-cup-a day noomba habit (which many of the anthropologists had) raised cholesterol and blood pressure, and doubled their risk of heart attack.
-Some studies suggested noomba impaired fertility. And in experiments involving pregnant animals, the herb caused birth defects.
-Finally, some animal studies linked noomba to several cancers.
What do you think? Is noomba safe? Would you drink it? How would you feel if your children became noomba addicts? Are increased alertness, stamina, and productivity worth physical dependence, insomnia, heartburn, diarrhea, infertility, cancer, heart disease, and birth defects?
The truth is, noomba was not discovered recently in New Guinea. It arrived in Europe about 500 years ago from Arabia. Noomba is actually coffee, and all the effects mentioned above apply to American's favorite herbal beverage.
Is coffee safe? That depends. Most Americans enjoy the stimulation of a cup or two each morning. But most "java junkies" know that large amounts of it's powerful stimulant, caffeine (also found in tea, colas, chocolate, and mate), can cause problems.
~ taken from "The Healing Herbs" by Michael Castleman
*Just for the record...(and so no one can call me a hypocrite) I have been known to enjoy the occasional frappuccino from starbucks. My point in writing this was to warn about the dangers of a regular habit of coffee drinking....so there.
Yeah, but I poop at least twice a day! Beat that! ;) All things in moderation, right?
By the way,
I might start chanting "noomba...NOOMBA...NOOMBA" every morning while my coffee is brewing (insert big, toothy grin here).
Thanks a lot for this citation Most of children haven't eaten by cocoa, chocolate, and latter tea, cofee always stronger? Good for commerce but not for them. Give them fruit and love with true faith...
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